Shtetl Santa Cruz


March 9, 2010 | 4-6 PM | Free & Open to the Public
Humanities 1 Building, Room 210, UC Santa Cruz
Directions and Parking Information

Luboml Townspeople

For hundreds of years, the shtetls of Eastern Europe were home to much of the world’s Jewish population. Today, most American Jews can trace at least some of their ancestors to a shtetl. But what exactly was a shtetl? Who lived there? How did women and men experience the shtetl differently? What happened to the “world of the shtetl” as Jews immigrated, assimilated, and began to join Jewish and non-Jewish political parties? Finally, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, how have Jews in America and elsewhere remembered and represented the shtetl? To explore these and other questions, members of the university and broader Santa Cruz community are cordially invited to join Professor Nathaniel Deutsch and the students in his seminar for a wide ranging discussion of all things shtetl. In addition to talking about the shtetl, Professor Deutsch will also demonstrate how to conduct Internet research on the shtetl of your choice.

Support provided by the David B. Gold Foundation. Sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz Center for Jewish Studies. Staff support provided by the Institute for Humanities Research.

Image courtesy of Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community, Virtual Exhibit. “Townspeople posing with Torah Ark donated to the Lines-Hatsedek Synagogue by the Gershengorn family in memory of their mother Khaye Devoyre, 1930s.” Collection of Heichal Yahaduth Wolyn.

Posted in Events.


  1. This sounds like a great prelude to a concert being organized by Temple Beth El and members of the greater Jewish community in Santa Cruz. The title is: From Shtetl to Suburbs: Jewish Soul Music. It will be performed in May.

  2. Pingback: David B. Gold Foundation Sponsored Programming | Center for Jewish Studies

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