An intellectual and programming hub for public events, research projects,
and collaborations devoted to the exploration of Jewish culture and history
Robert Weinberg: "Blood Libel in Late Imperial Russia: Popular Antisemitism, the Occult and the Trial of Mendel Beilis"
Professor Weinberg will explore the nature of popular antisemitism in the Russian Empire during the trial of Mendel Beilis, a Kievan Jew accused of ritual murder in 1913. Concerned citizens sent letters to the prosecution during the trial in order to buttress the […]
UCSC Professor Joins Acclaimed Writers for New Passover "Users Manual"
Two weeks ago, author Jonathan Safran Foer (Everything Is Illuminated, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close) went on the Stephen Colbert show to promote his latest book New American Haggadah. Edited by Foer and translated by acclaimed writer Nathan Englander, the book is a new, alternative version of the Passover book used by Jews to celebrate […]
Clive Sinclair: "The Jew in the Crown"
April 4, 2012 | 5:00-7:00 PM | Free & Open to the Public Humanities 1 Building, Room 210, UC Santa Cruz Directions and Parking Information Clive Sinclair has published 13 books of fiction, travel, and autobiography, some of which have been given prizes. Early in his career he was selected as one of the […]