An intellectual and programming hub for public events, research projects,
and collaborations devoted to the exploration of Jewish culture and history
Shtetl Santa Cruz
For hundreds of years, the shtetls of Eastern Europe were home to much of the world’s Jewish population. Today, most American Jews can trace at least some of their ancestors to a shtetl. But what exactly was a shtetl? Who lived there? How did women and men experience the shtetl differently?
Shaul Magid: “Hasidism and Second Wave Neo-Hasidism: From Jewish Exclusivity to Globalized Judaism”
Professor Shaul Magid will give a public lecture on “Hasidism and Second Wave Neo-Hasidism: From Jewish Exclusivity to a Globalized Judaism.” The talk will take place on Friday, February 26, from 11:00 to 12:10 in Baskin Auditorium (Baskin 101). The talk is sponsored by the Center for Jewish Studies with support from the David B. Gold Foundation.
Warren Hoffman: “Passing as a Modern Jew: The Cross-Dressing Films of Molly Picon”
For almost 50 years, Yiddish American actress Molly Picon spent her life on stage and screen performing in trousers. Why did Picon spend so much time in cross-dressed roles and what might such roles reveal about Jewish American identity in the first half of the 20th century?