JSUGRA photo

2015 Jewish Studies Undergraduate Research Awards

It is with great enthusiasm that the Center for Jewish Studies announces that the following undergraduates have received Jewish Studies Undergraduate Research Awards for the 2014-2015 year: Noah Barerra-Stanford, “Jewish Folk Medicine from the Baal Shem Tov to An-sky and Beyond”—drawing on primary sources in Yiddish, this paper demonstrated that the Hasidic movement, from its […]

Portrait of Hannah Arendt

Film Screening of Hannah Arendt

Film Screening and Discussion with Ron Feldman. Moderated by Bruce Thompson (History, UC Santa Cruz).   Sunday, May 31, 2015 | 7-9 PM | Free & Open to the Public Humanities 1 Building, Room 210, UC Santa Cruz Directions and Parking Information FREE pizza will be served   Ron H. Feldman, Ph.D., has edited two important […]

Jewish Studies flyer

Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

An Interactive Panel Discussion and Presentation of Work for Faculty and Graduate Students in Jewish Studies   Sunday, April 19, 2014 | 11 AM – 2 PM | Free & Open to the Public The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley More Information: acadcons@sfjcf.org or call (415) 512-6228 Kindly register by […]

Liminal Spaces Poster

Liminal Spaces and the Jewish Imagination Conference

The Venice Ghetto serves as the starting point from which we address questions of modern Jewish spaces –a site that has played a central role in Jewish and European culture since the Jews were sequestered in the Ghetto at its founding in 1516. Contemporary globalization brings into focus the relationship between identity and spatial location, and highlights new and cross-cutting transnational allegiances.

Conflict and Compassion Lecture Series flyer

Conflict and Compassion Speaker Series: Perspectives on Israel/Palestine

Presented by Cowell College   Fall Quarter 2014 | 6:00-7:45 PM | Free & Open to the Public Merrill Academy 102, UC Santa Cruz Directions and Parking Information (PDF) October 7: Christine King (Kresge College, UC Santa Cruz). “Making Peace with Conflict” October 14: Dr. Jennifer Derr (History Department, UC Santa Cruz) “The History of […]

Portrait of Murray Baumgarten

Murray Baumgarten: "The Letters Propelled Me: Resisting Kristallnacht Then and Now"

The Holocaust, Genocide, and Interfaith Education Center at Manhattan College presents The Seventh Annual Frederick M. Schweitzer Lecture     Wednesday, November 5, 20145 | 7-9 PM | Free & Open to the Public Smith Auditorium, Manhattan College Questions? mehnaz.afridi@manhattan.edu Murray Baumgarten directs the program in Jewish Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, […]