Featured Past Events “UC Santa Cruz Night at the Museum – Radical Jewish Politics: From Marx to Bernie” Murray Baumgarten Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies Investiture Ceremony and Reception Morris Ratner: “A Monument Man in the Courtroom: Litigating the Holocaust” Shaul Bassi, “From Shakespeare to Erica Jong: Jewish Women and Cultural Politics” Liminal Spaces and the Jewish Imagination Conference Part 1 Maurice Samuels: “French Universalism and the Jews: Anti-Antisemitism and the Right to Difference” Murray Baumgarten “Mattering Map” Dan Jacobson and the Mapping of Heshel’s Kingdom: A Split / Screen Family Album “Digital Space & Difficult History: Curating The African American and Holocaust Museums” Murray Baumgarten: “The Letters Propelled Me: Resisting Kristallnacht Then and Now” Dora Sorell: “Tell the Children” – Holocaust Survivor Tells Her Story Clive Sinclair: “One City, Seven Shylocks: Venice’s Most Famous Son Comes Home” Liminal Spaces and the Jewish Imagination Conference Part 2 Steven J. Zipperstein: “How the 1903 Kishinev Pogrom Changed Jewish History” Murray Baumgarten “Primo Levi, the Ghetto, Exile, the Lager, and The Periodic Table ” Diller Lecture Series Guest Lectures Holocaust Course Liminal Spaces Russia, Jews, and the Arts Women, Jews, Venetians Share this:ShareClick to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)