Digital Jewish Studies Initiative
The Center for Jewish Studies has launched an ambitious new Digital Jewish Studies initiative that will support new courses and project development. This initiative encourages student engagement in the geographic, linguistic, and cultural diversity of the Jewish people through digital tools and methodologies that affords new modes of visualizing the relationships between Jewish communities across continents and oceans. As part of this initiative, two new courses will be offered by Jewish Studies: The Holocaust in the Digital Age and the History of Zionism. Digital components will also be built into other Jewish studies classes.
Visit the new Digital Jewish Studies website
The Helen Diller Family Endowment Distinguished Lecture in Jewish Studies
Every year we honor Helen Diller, whose generous endowment continues to provide crucial support to Jewish Studies at UC Santa Cruz, by hosting a public lecture series on campus by an internationally recognized scholar.
Jewish Studies Undergraduate Research Awards
Jewish Studies Undergraduate Research Awards support undergraduate research and writing on Jewish themes that represent distinguished examples of undergraduate scholarship in the field of Jewish Studies.
Venetian Jewish Anthology
A scholarly resource for teaching and research that explores the cultural, intellectual, and historic experience of Venetian Jewry.