Alternative Teleologies: The Mediterranean and the Modern World(s)

This exciting conference was organized by the Mediterranean Seminar at UC-Santa Cruz. Many of the talks will explore aspects of the Jewish experience in the Mediterranean region, including the construction of a pan-Sephardi identity, the creation of the Donmeh community, and the emergence of diasporic Andalusian musical traditions.

Il Ghetto: Forging Italian Jewish Identities 1516-1870

This series carried forward some of Prof. Murray Baumgarten’s work on the Venetian Jewish Anthology. Prof. Baumgarten would be glad to take any questions or walk through the exhibition with colleagues and friends.

Russia, Jews, and the Arts

Russia, Jews, and the Arts

  Sunday, May 4, 2008 | 9:00AM – 5:00PM | Free & Open to the Public University of California, Santa Cruz The Center for Jewish Studies, through the generosity of the Koret Foundation, brought together a small number of scholars on May 4th, 2008 in order to address the question of Jewish contributions to Russian […]

Michael Thaler

Michael Thaler: Nazi Bioscience

Michael Thaler is a Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Medicine, UC San Francisco, and a Lecturer in History, UC Santa Cruz. On May 16, 2007 he delivered the following talk on Nazi Bioscience.

Bruce Thompson: “Jews and the Hollywood Dream Machine”

Did you know that the first American movie star, Bronco Billy Anderson, was a Jewish guy from New York whose real name was Max Aronson? Yes, long before Mel Brooks discovered the West in “Blazing Saddles,” it was a Jew who invented the archetypal figure of the American cowboy!