The Helen Diller Family Endowment Distinguished Lecture in Jewish Studies presents “The Future of Jewish Food”: A Conversation with Rachel Gross, Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft, and Nathaniel DeutschThursday, March 19, 6:30-8pm
February 12, 2020 // “Free Men” Film Screening
Free Men (French: Les hommes libres) is a 2011 French film written and directed by Ismaël Ferroukhi, which recounts the largely untold story about the role that Algerian and other North African Muslims in Paris played in the French resistance and as rescuers of Jews during the German occupation (1940–1944).
January 9, 2020 // Samuel Torjman Thomas & ASEFA present “Layali Morocco: Jewish Songlines and Soundscapes”
Instrumentalist Samuel Torjman Thomas, Ph.D. will blend vocals, oud, violin, nay, and plenty of percussion, with songs in Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, and Ladino,
November 1-2, 2019 // Against Orthodoxies: Working with Hayden White
On Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, 2019, UC Santa Cruz will hold a conference to honor the late Hayden White.
October 7, 2019 // Eli Yassif: Before Seinfeld – The Early Modern Roots of Jewish Humor
October 7 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm in Humanities 1, Room 210
Please join us for Eli Yassif’s lecture “Before Seinfeld – The Early Modern Roots of Jewish Humor”!
Anti-Semitism and the Internet Resonates Beyond Silicon Valley
Nathaniel Deutsch and Rachel Deblinger, co-directors of the Digital Jewish Studies Initiative at UC Santa Cruz, traced how older forms of antisemitism have been reimagined in the internet age.
May 9, 2019 // Antisemitism and the Internet: Old Hatred and New
Please join us in Mountain View for a conversation with co-Directors of the Digital Jewish Studies Initiative, to confront the hardest questions about the relationship between antisemitism and the Internet.
February 20, 2019 @ 6:00 pm // James Loeffler: “The Right to Be Heard – Jews, Human Rights, and Global Democracy”
In this talk, James Loeffler draws on his new book, Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century, to revisit the 1948 moment in which modern human rights was born. This talk will also address the challenges and opportunities for minorities and stateless peoples by focusing on Jewish human rights pioneers who saw the Jewish state as an expression of global democracy. Join THI to ask where Human Rights come from, how Jews are part of the story, and if Zionism is in conflict with the modern Human Rights movement?
January 27, 2019 // Primo Levi and the Holocaust, A Date to Remember with Murray Baumgarten and Peter Kenesz
Sunday, January 27 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM in the Museo Italo Americano Primo Levi and the Holocaust, A Date to Remember Lecture followed by Wine reception with the Professors Co-presented with the Venice Center for International Jewish Studies and the Jewish Community Library of San Francisco The Museo Italo Americano will commemorate International Holocaust […]
November 8, 2018 @ 1:30 pm – Rachel Gross, The Jewish Deli Revival: Buying and Selling American Jewish Nostalgia
In recent years, there has been a nostalgic resurgence of interest in the Jewish deli menu. Restaurateurs and purveyors of Jewish food are deliberately making American Jewish food fit for the twenty-first century, emphasizing sustainability, local produce, and a nostalgic longing for family and communal histories. By selling and consuming a revitalized deli cuisine, American Jews […]